
Useful Feedback for Your 网页设计er

May 22, 2023

Comments: 5

Posted by: DevDigital

Useful Feedback for Your 网页设计er

你曾经试过和说另一种语言的人进行对话吗? 你试着放慢语速,大声说话,并使用复杂的手势来传达你的信息. Sometimes there is a shred of comprehension, but most often, 说话的两个人找不到一个共同的线索来理解对方的话.

考虑一下这样的场景:在一场专业对话中,两个参与者试图了解彼此所在行业的术语,但他们的观察或反馈都不足. 这种情况可能发生在企业主聘请了一家专门从事的公司 custom web design 但可能没有专业知识,也不愿意就他们需要的元素或对他们的新网站的要求进行反馈. 这似乎是一个令人望而生畏的舞台,通过机动与您的网页设计公司, 尤其是当你对UX/UI这样的术语感到茫然时, responsive design, front-end development, and wireframe.


Let’s Talk Websites!

When providing feedback to your 网站 designer, it is essential to be clear, 具体的, and constructive. Here are some guidelines to follow:

Learn some 网站 design terminology: 你不必成为一个专家(这就是为什么你在我附近搜索网页设计师), 但是通过学习与你的网站设计相关的最重要的术语, 与设计师的对话将有助于简化对流程的解释. Knowing words like user experience (UX), user interface (UI), back-end development, 和内容管理系统(CMS)将极大地帮助在讨论元素和创建过程的网站.

Start with positive feedback: You do not need to feel disingenuous, 但是,最初的一点赞美对沟通最初的想法有很大帮助 网站 到目前为止. Begin by acknowledging the aspects of the 网站 design that you appreciate, find successful, or convey visual appeal. 这有助于建立一个积极的基调,并向你的网站设计师表明你重视他们的专业知识和努力.

Be 具体的: 而不是笼统地说“我不喜欢这个设计”或“这不是我想要的”,” provide detailed feedback on particular elements. For example, you could say, “这个配色方案太暗了,隐藏了我想要强调的一些元素,” or "My target audience is older adults, so I think a larger, more readable font size would be more beneficial for them.“在设计过程中尽早提出具体要点,比在项目接近完成后再讨论更容易修改.

Be constructive: 专注于提供建议和解决方案,而不是简单地指出缺陷. Instead of saying things like, “This doesn’t work,” or “I don’t like those colors,” offer alternative ideas or 具体的 improvements that can be made. For example, you might suggest using a different color palette, placing an element in another location, or creating a dropdown list. 每一个 web design company wants to produce an exceptional product and satisfy clients. 友好对话中的建设性反馈可以为成功的合作关系奠定基调.

Consider your target audience: You know your customer better than anyone at the table. When giving feedback, 记住你的目标用户是帮助设计师为你的公司的人口统计数据和现有的客户基础定位元素的关键. 如果你认为你的网站目前的模型不符合他们的喜好或需求, explain your reasoning to the 网站 designer. 这将有助于你的设计师理解他们将要创造的作品的目的和背景.

Prioritize usability: When meeting with your 网站 design company and designer, emphasize the importance of the user experience and usability of the 网站. Identify any elements that might need to be clarified, easier to navigate, or detract from the overall functionality. 你对这一重要因素的反馈应该旨在使网站更加用户友好和直观. 这个优先级与目标受众和他们轻松浏览网站的能力有关.

Provide examples or references: In this visually-driven industry, 在对话中传达您希望在设计中出现的元素可能具有挑战性. As a business owner, you have likely perused the 网站s of competitors. Note what features you like or elements you know work well for them. Share these examples with your 网站 designer. 如果您有其他想法,请参考说明您偏好的网站. 这可以帮助设计师更好地理解您的愿景,并相应地实现更改.

Be respectful and open to discussion: 在整个反馈过程中保持一种尊重和合作的语气是至关重要的. 承认网站设计在审美上是主观的,但也有很高的技术性. Different opinions and perspectives are bound to coexist. 开放地讨论设计师选择背后的基本原理,并考虑他们的专业知识. You are both experts in your respective fields. 任何设计问题或建议的深思熟虑的谈话都会产生积极的结果.

Encourage iterative improvements: It is helpful to remember that 网站 design is often an iterative process. 鼓励你的设计师根据你的反馈进行修改,并分享更新的版本以供审查. Knowing that your 网站 can be adapted, 调整, 而修改因为协作和持续的沟通会导致更好的结果.

By following these guidelines, 电竞赛事竞猜APP提供有价值的反馈,帮助你的网站设计师改进他们的工作,创建一个与你的愿景和目标一致的优秀网站. When working with a custom web design company, 提出正确的问题并提供建设性的反馈有助于确保清晰, 对齐, and a successful outcome. 与你的网站设计师进行开放和透明的沟通可以为你的在线形象铺平道路,帮助你的业务在竞争激烈的市场中茁壮成长.

Are you ready to create a 网站 that reflects your vision and goals? 电竞赛事竞猜APP合集 DevDigital’s custom web design team today to get started on your new 网站.


Read Comments
Maryam Akhil

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Emily Elizabeth

September 4, 2024

Your talents as a site designer are very remarkable. We are incredibly pleased with the 网站 you designed for us. 用户体验是完美的整体,具有直观的布局和优秀的图像. 我们很感激你们能够很好地实现我们的想法,并对细节非常关注. I appreciate all of your effort and commitment to our project. We're excited to continue working together in the future. 在创建了最伟大的网页设计之后,电竞赛事竞猜APP选择最好的企业和网站. And it correctly assists you in all of your work. 我选择了顶级企业和网站,因为他们确实帮助了所有的努力. I'm seeing a lot of companies, 但TVDIT科技是我最喜欢的,因为它始终如一地提供所有服务.


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